What if I am no longer sane or suddenly pass away? - Part 1: The advance directive
- What if I have to go to a nursing home?
- Who will pay my current bills?
- Who will manage my securities?
- Who can represent me in legal matters?
- What can I do to ensure that the child and adult protection authority (KESB) only exerts influence where it is truly necessary?
- How do I ensure that someone I trust and who knows me represents me?
These and many other questions came to the the minds of Mr. and Mrs. Meier (76 and 74 years old) (names invented) when they heard from a friend who was in hospital due to a serious illness.
As we at agira had already held the Meier's tax mandate for years and also assisted them in financial questions, they approached us with their questions.
Together we worked out an advance directive for each person. In Mrs. Meier's advance directive, Mr. Meier was appointed for personal care and representation in legal matters, and Titania Heimerl was appointed to represent Mr. Meier in the event of his incapacity. Titania Heimerl was appointed to take care of Mrs. Meier's assets, because Mr. Meier was not familiar with the subject and did not want to take on the responsibility. In Mr. Meier's advance directive, Mrs. Meier was appointed as a representative for all positions and Titania Heimerl was appointed as a representative in case Mrs. Meier was incapacitated.
The above example shows how the Meier family created their advance directive with agira. However, many other options are possible, such as joint representation or multiple representations in case of incapacity, which is particularly advantageous if the representatives are already elderly. We at agira go through the different parts of the advance directive with you and support you in choosing the appropriate representation and show you what can be arranged and how.
In the case of Meier, as well as various other long-term clients, we at agira act as representatives in the care of assets and can quickly and easily settle the financial affairs of our clients in an emergency. You can find out more about the execution of wills in Part 2, which will be published with this autumn's newsletter, or contact us beforehand with your questions and uncertainties.
Titania Heimerl will be happy to advise you on this, show you what is possible and support you in drawing up your own advance directive.

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